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Monday, December 03, 2018

​Valls y Tarradellas

The day of Festa de la Mercè (patron of Barcelona) made public that he had chosen to the mayoralty of Barcelona, ​​a city mismanaged and beaten by the populism and the exacerbated nationalism. Thirty-five days later, he presented his book Barcelona, ​​Vuelvo a Casa (Back to home) (Espasa), a personal story. Valls celebrated his first twenty birthdays in Barcelona and had as his pediatrician the 'Guti', legendary leader of the PSUC (catalan communist party).

In an annex to this book, Manuel Valls collects the long letter that the longed-for Josep Tarradellas addressed to Horacio Sáenz Guerrero, director of 'La Vanguardia', in 1981. It seems to me an excellent indicator of a politician who seeks connection with the criteria of Tarradellas: Josep Tarradellas demanded courage to denounce the lack of 'sense of responsibility' that Jordi Pujol announced (able to say the opposite of what he did and intended). He alluded to his deceptive intimidation and abuse of the good faith of those who were 'tendentiously informed'. Thirty-seven years ago I sensed more and more serious misunderstandings, which would produce a very deep division between us. To straighten that collision course and break the bonds of understanding and affection in which we are anchored need courage, competence, decency ... and luck. It requires a powerful display of respect and ability to listen, speak and manage. Let's see if we collect this glove, who are they for the work?


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