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Friday, December 07, 2018

The viral letter from a doctor to Pablo Iglesias in which he explains the rise of Vox in the Andalusian elections

The doctor, a citizen of Sedella (Malaga), explains to the leader of Podemos that "when you say you can not pronounce the word Spain because your mouth hurts, a fascist is born"

Run by social networks and by WhatsApp an open letter to Pablo Iglesias of the doctor Juan Manuel Jiménez Muñoz from Malaga in which, based on the electoral data of his locality Sedella, tries to explain to the leader of Podemos the reason for the rise of the extreme right in the last Andalusian elections. The doctor begins by explaining that in his town, Sedella, a mayor of the Izquierda Unida governs with six of his seven councilors of the same party. To continue with how in these last elections none of the inhabitants of the town have gone to vote for PSOE, Citizens, PP and Vox. After this clarification begins to indicate the reasons why he believes that "fascists" born in Spain. Among other things, it blames the decisions of the Central Government in the distribution of RTVE between PSOE and Podemos, to the villa that Pablo Iglesias bought, to the deals of Podemos with Venezuela, to the mismanagement of the Catalan crisis. But it also refers to the problems of Andalusian health and education and the problem of immigration.

This is the complete letter:

«Today, just a few hours after the Andalusian people said" ENOUGH ALREADY! 40 years of Monocolor Regime, when the paper shredders are sparking in all the offices of the Andalusian Administration and when Pablo Iglesias is in Madrid, stupefied, wondering what the fuck will have happened here so that the fascist advance has been so resounding, I'm going to give you some keys to reflect on. 

Look, Mr. Iglesias. 

I live in seasons in a small town in Malaga called Sedella. They are few inhabitants in Sedella, but magnificent people. You would have to know the town. For its people, for its cuisine and for its views of the Tejea. I invite you to my house. Also to Irene. Sedella has a mayor of Izquierda Unida because 6 of her 7 councilors are from Izquierda Unida. And people love their mayor because he gives work and because he cares for the people. No councilor of Vox is there that could bother you, Mr. Iglesias. Nobody from Ciudadanos. Nobody from the PP. Nobody on the right who should take away his sleep. My countrymen from Sedella are reds. Inveterate reds. Red balls. 

But look at that!! A few hours ago, as if by magic, my countrymen have become fascists, or half fascist. 109 votes have gone to the Socialist Party and Podemos, and 105 others have gone to Vox, the PP and Ciudadanos. Does not that amaze you, Mr. Iglesias? Does not it say anything that a town of reds has turned into a fascist overnight? Do you still think that you have to "go out to fight fascism"? Do you think a march with the motto "No Pasarán? Do not you realize, Mr. Iglesias, that this supposed fascism has been born from your own ranks and from the Socialist Party, from your own mistakes, from your own contradictions, and from touching the balls of society as a whole? 

 Look, Mr. Iglesias:

When you say you can not pronounce the word Spain because your mouth hurts, a fascist is born. 

When you shout ¡Visca Cataluña Libre y Soberana !, a fascist is born. 

When you go to a prison to negotiate national budgets with some investigated for sedition, a fascist is born. When you preach poverty and sobriety but buy a villa, a fascist is born. 

When a parliamentarian of Podemos removes the Spanish flag from the Catalan Parliament, a fascist is born. 

When Ada Colau says that she has voted Yes to the Catalan Independence in an illegal referendum, a fascist is born. 

When you and yours make congratulations to Chaves and Maduro, a fascist is born. 

When Pedro Sánchez and you distribute, as stickers, the managerial positions of Radiotelevisión Española, a fascist is born. 

When you put your hands to your head because an illegal immigrant died of a heart attack in Lavapiés, but you do not put them when they storm the fence in Melilla, a fascist is born. 

When they throw excrement at our border police and you do not say anything, a fascist is born. 

When Pedro Sánchez is elevated to the Presidency of the Government, with your votes, and those of Bildu, and those of Gabriel Rufián, a fascist is born. 

When the independentists spit on Borrell, and you shut up, a fascist is born. 

When Susana Díaz says that the strike of the Catalan doctors seems just and necessary, but that of the Andalusian doctors is a thing of right-wing people, a fascist is born. 

When an Andalusian has to wait 10 months for a colonoscopy and then, after doing so, it turns out that he has a bowel cancer, a fascist is born. 

When an Andalusian goes to the pharmacy and there is a lack of supplies, a fascist is born. 

When an Andalusian teacher is beaten, or insulted, and the left says nothing, a fascist is born. 

When an Andalusian nursing assistant is thrown a spittoon of urine at the head, and the left says nothing, a fascist is born.

When children are forced to study tendentious agendas in the classroom, a fascist is born. 

When Susana Díaz says that the Gürtel was wrong but that the ERE were foolish, a fascist is born. 

When a handful of high-ranking Socialist officials go on whores with the money of the Andalusians, a fascist is born. 

When Pedro Sánchez says yesterday that what happened in Catalonia is a rebellion, and says today that it is only a sedition, a fascist is born. 

When Willy Toledo shits on God and the progressive left laughs at him, a fascist is born. 

When a comedian blows his nose with the Spanish flag and the progressive left defends him, a fascist is born. 

When Ada Colau, without getting upset, says that a nineteenth-century Spanish admiral was a fascist, a fascist is born. 

When Podemos de Zaragoza organizes an Antifascist Conference and invites as a speaker an exterminist from Terra Lliure who murdered nine people, a fascist is born. 

Well, Mr. Iglesias. I would not like to tire you anymore.

Look for the fascists in the headquarters of Podemos. And Susana Díaz and Pedro Sánchez look for them in the headquarters of the Socialist Party. For who sows winds, gathers storms. And you pick up what you sow. And some junteras are not good. And all fascisms have, or have had, a triggering engine. 

Mussolini's fascism was born of the economic depression and unemployment of the thirties. The one of Hitler, by the European economic depression and the humiliation of Germany after the First World War. And the fascism of now, the one we all fear, the one that nobody wants, the one that we see spreading like an oil stain in Europe, has its roots in the lack of lights of European social democracy and in climbers like you, Mr. Iglesias, to whom the only thing that interests him, the only reason for coming to Spanish politics, is to destroy the 1978 Constitution and to set ourselves as examples to follow by other Caribbean paradises. Well, and to buy a big house. 

So, Mr. Iglesias, save us now, weeping and wailing in the streets, save us barricades and police races. Mobilization has to be done before going to the polls, not later, when you do not like the result. That, at least, is what the true democrats say.

Leave Andalusia quiet for four years, and let's see all, at least for once, what they will do in these battered lands, Ciudadanos and the PP. 

And if in four years we do not like what they do, if they build another cortijo of another color or if people are still waiting ten months for a colonoscopy, we will do as we have done now with Susana's farmhouse: send them to do heck, and pass on to another butterfly thing.

Well, that is precisely what I love about democracy: that we never give the votes. We only loan them. 

" Juan Manuel Jiménez Muñoz. 
Doctor and writer from Malaga. »



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