Monday, December 10, 2018

The founder of Terra Lliure calls to take the Parliament on 21-D and return to proclaim the republic

The founder of the terrorist group Terra Lliure and now an active member of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR), Fredi Bentanachs, has been one of the last voices to join the call for mobilizations in the street against the holding of the Council of Ministers in Barcelona on December 21, and has done so by urging to take the Parliament and return to proclaim the republic.

 In a home video that he himself distributed on social networks to promote the protest, Bentanachs warns that if you have to enter the Parliament, you enter, and if you have to occupy, you take care, "but you do not enter and breaks a window to run, because it is a total trivialization of the movement. In this sense, he calls for the streets and squares to be filled with thousands of Catalans on December 21, "to shout that the streets will always be ours, and we will consolidate the republic we proclaimed on October 27".


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