Wednesday, December 19, 2018

New European beating against nationalist 'diplomacy'

"The diplomatic victory of Federalists d'Esquerres, becoming the interlocutors of the great family of European federalists, means a setback for the nationalism that is slowly emerging actors who diverge from the official account." The Horitzó Europa association, more nationalist than pro-European, ceases to be the main interlocutor in Spain of the great family of European federalists. Nationalism has tried that the process is played in Europe. In this fight against the internationalization of the conflict some battles have been achieved, but the most important ones have been lost. This is the inaction of successive central governments, it has been mainly the surgical entities of civil society who have tried to reverse the nationalist account that has taken into account the previous years in the European Union.

The association Federalistes d'Esquerres, emerged in Catalonia during the following years Algidos del process and advocates federalism within Spain, has been for the main interlocutor of this political option before the European partners. The search for a meeting with the rest of the federalist families of the continent and the sources of the entity assure this medium that they have gained a leading role that for many years was in the hands of nationalism.

The Union of European Federalists, which advocates the creation of a Federal Europe, was one of the invited associations. To date, the Horitzó Europa association, European Catalans that have become independentism, was the main Catalan interlocutor among the community federalists.

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