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Monday, November 19, 2018

Nicolás Sartorius: "The right to decide is reactionary"

The CCOO (union) co-founder and former leader of the PCE and IU leads the Association for a Federal Spain and fights deception and post-truth in his latest book: The manipulation of language.
Q. You lead the one that you call "federal solution" to the territorial problem of Spain. Why do you think it is the right formula? 
A.  In the era of globalization, the federation is the right thing to negotiate with global powers. You have to go to a European federal formula. Also in Spain. The State of Autonomies is a quasi-federal system that over time has become a false confederalism. Each autonomy is bilaterally related to the Government. Presidents visit La Moncloa to get what they can. A small group or even a single deputy achieves what is not written because it completes the majority. It is a dysfunctional, negative and unjust system that produces inequality. There are no instruments of a federation to discuss the problems. The Senate, for example, does not work. Not the Conference of Presidents.

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