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Friday, November 16, 2018

«Anatomy of the proces», when Catalonia separated from Catalonia

A necessary book to understand why it has happened so that it does not happen again.
A group of experts reveals the lies and myths of the independence movement in «Anatomy of the proces». "Anatomy of the proces" is probably the most successful effort to explain with rigor and depth the lies and myths of an exclusive nationalism that forced the State to react to a limit situation with the application of Article 155 last fall. The book begins with a prologue by Manuel Valls, now a candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​and ends with an epilogue by Minister Josep Borrell, which frames the contribution of 11 experts to unravel the keys of a «procés» that has created a disturbing fracture in society. Borrell uses the correct metaphor that Catalonia has been separated from Catalonia.

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